By Advait Sakhalkar on May 2, 2023
TopicOn PremCloud
Approximately 4100 per month per server for estimated usage. We highly recommend one staging server for training, development and testing and one production server
Infra SupportNot owned by MannloweIncluded
Backup(1) Additional efforts are required. 3 to 5 man-days per month (2) Additional offsite hardware or cloud storage required. It will be approximately ₹1.23514 per GB per month depending on choice of cloud. Automated backups multiple times a day are included
DRDisaster recovery is subjected to latest backup and location of backupAutomated multiple backups per day minimise minimum data loss even in worst of scenarios
AccessVPN, static IP other networking configurations are required. This is not owned by MannloweIncluded
ScalabilityProcurement and delays are common. Manual migration efforts of 3-5 man days are typically required.On-demand & immediately available. No migration efforts are required
Access controlUser can be forced to be in local network for restricted access. Geolocation based access control can be configured for relevant group of users

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